Saturday, June 26, 2010

Indonesian RTD Coffee

1. Nescafe Original
Aroma: Coffee type (arabica), mild roasted and smokey, slightly nutty, milky (condensed type) and caramelic
Taste: sweet, a bit bitter after taste

2. Nescafe Latte
Aroma: milky (condensed type), caramelic (strong), creamy, maple like, mild honey fruity, mild coffee in the top note (arabica type), vanilla creamy
Taste: very sweet, no bitter after taste

3. Nescafe Mocha
Aroma: Malty/ chocolaty in the top note, coffee type arabica, mild roasted and nutty, caramelic, milky (condensed type), sweet candish sugary
Taste: Sweet (like latte), no bitter after taste

4. Birdy
Aroma: top note robusta, phenolic, sweet honey fruity, mild sulfurous, caramelic, milky (fresh milk), quite metallic
Taste: sweet, abi bitter after taste
Mouthfeel: slightly diluted

1. Cappucini Chocolate
Aroma: Malty/ chocolaty, smokey ash, phenolic strong, robusta type, mushroom moldy (mild), milky (fresh milk type), sweet sugary
Taste: sweet, no bitter after taste

2. Cappucini Coffee Cream
Aroma: chocolaty, coco liquor top note, fresh phenolic, maple like (strong), honey fruity, mild vanilla, milky fresh milk, robusta type top note
Taste: sweet, no bitter after taste
Mouthfeel: a bit diluted

3. Cappucini Espresso
Aroma: Black coffee, roasted, acidic sour, mild earthy green, sweet berry
Taste: sweet, bitter after taste
Mouthfeel: a bit diluted

4. Nescafe Coffee Cream
Aroma: Fresh, creamy, liquor (rummy), phenolic, smokey, arabica type, mild acidic, strong maple, milky caramelic
Taste: sweet, no bitter after atste
Mouthfeel: a bit diluted

Aroma: phenolic smokey, mild sulfurous, malty, sweet berry (mild), caramelic, milky (mild condensed)
Taste: sweet, no bitter
Mouthfeel: very diluted

Adem Ayem @ Sangaji

1. Nasi Gudeg Ayam (7,5/10)

Steam Jackfruit, Krecek (Beef skin), Opor Chicken, and Rice with banana leaf mats

Sweet, Hot (krecek) major in sweet taste

Price: 17500

2. Rawon (7/10)

Stew Beef (diced), Klowak (a kind of Spices that makes the broth turn black), Been Sprout

has a unique taste, sweet, hot and spicy and a bit peppery

Monday, June 7, 2010

Urban Kitchen @ Central Park (Vegas Hot Dog)

1. Super Vegas Hotdog Original (6,5/10)

Bun, Fried Sausage (30 cm long), Mayonnaise, Mustard, Lettuce

Love the mayonnaise ^^ It's not like Thousand Island (this is more suitable for salad i think) the mayonnaise was not thick, had a yellow color but really thin so it's like transparent
The taste not really sour so you can eat a lot of it >_<
and the funny thing was the mayonnaise's bottle (also the mustard) was hanging up side down so if you want to take the sauce you have to squeeze the bottles like you usually seen in ranch... (. .)?? ('o')~~!
yep it's like you squeeze for cow's milk (know what i mean?)
and you can take the mustard and the mayonnaise as much as you like (love this part ^^)
The sausage had a hard outer skin, i guess it's a collagen sausage so when i ate the sausage it had a crunchy texture but for the taste not really impressed me...really standard even the size was a bit impressive

Price: 41 rb

2. Es Campur Medan (6,5/10)

Shaved Ice, Liquid Palm Sugar, Cendol, Red Bean, Tape, Sweet Corn, Coconut, Pacar Cina, Grassjelly

Sweet (had a characteristic of palm sugar), tape had a bit of wax taste (i don't like it), and also the cendol was frozen so when i bite it it's really hard
but the size of 1 portion was really big you can eat it for 2-3 people

Price: 15 rb

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Cafe Bon Francis @ Central Park

1. Tuna Sandwich (Croissant) (7/10)

Tuna, Croissant (crispy baked), Tomato Sliced, Fresh Lettuce, Mayonnaise, Other Ingredients

The croissant was not crispy enough and the taste was a little bit too sweet (compare with Oh La La Bistro)
The aroma of the croissant was not so good (again compare to Oh La La)
The tuna was fine and the mayonnaise was good enough
There's one taste that odd for me. I didn't know from where it came from maybe from the oil (olive oil?). It had a bit sweet taste with minty flavor and had a floral like aroma (do you know kemangi? it's something like that but in a different aroma). Well actually I don't like aroma like that but if it combines with the tuna, mayonnaise, and the croissant it will give an unique taste

Price: 26rb

2.Fettucine Pastrami Cream (6,5/10)

Fettucine, Cream Sauce, Pastrami, Mushroom, Green Pepper, Black pepper

The cheese was a bit tasty but not good enough
The cream sauce was too little so it's like dry fettucine
The pastrami had a black pepper taste and so the fettucine
The green pepper gave a good contribution to the overall taste

Price: 40rb

*why I always compare this one with Oh La La? because they have the same theme in the restaurant decoration and the food menu even the fettucine and the croissant almost a like but for me, still Oh La La is the winner ^^*

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Fire Steak @ Citraland

1. Beef Steak (6/10)

Beef, Fried Potato, Fried Onion, Tomato, Vegetables

The meat was not juicy enough but the texture was quite good, tender. The sauce has sweet and a bit spicy taste like pepper

2. Salmon Steak (4/10)

Salmon, Fettucine with Mayonnaise, Salad, fried Onion, Tomato, and Sliced Lime.

Fish steak has a very fishy flavor. Even though the fish steak was grilled but it didn't has a grilled taste or anything like that.
The fettucine was tasteless but when I mixed it with the mayonnaise the taste was better.

I also tried the salad bar and the mushroom soup
The salad was like common salad like vegetable, jelly, and fruit
The mushroom soup was not really special, it tastes better when I put chilli sauce in there.

So the conclusion is not a recommended steak house...sorry...>.<

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Red Tomato @ TA

1. Fettucine Romano (7/10)

Fettucine (wider than usual fettucine), Smoked Beef Bacon, Mushroom Champignon, Green Peas, Cream Sauce, Parmesan Cheese

The pasta still has raw pasta taste, the bacon really has smoked flavor and gives a good contribution to the overall taste,the cream sauce was thick and creamy (well at first it's really fluid like, it wasn't has consistency but when I let it for a while and mixed it well the consistency increase and became very creamy..Yumm!!)

2. Cream Fungi Pizza (5.5/10)

Mushrooms, Smoked Bacon, Cream Sauce, Crispy Pizza Bun

The bun was really thin and crispy I think it's like crepe.
I really disappointed with this stuff because if I looked to the photo menu of this pizza it's really looks yummy and tempting me (full of mushrooms and bacon pieces and really looks creamy) but when I tried it..Humm really flat didn't has creamy taste at all, the bacon was sooo tiny (maybe I should used magnifier so I can see it >.<), the only taste was from the mushroom (baked mushrooms) and it's not really special but it tasted better if I put chilli sauce on it

Fettucine 49rb
Pizza 49rb

Bakmi Keriting Siantar @ Pluit

Bakmi Keriting Siantar + Pangsit (8,5/10)

Curly Noodle, Spring Onion, Pork Fat, Pork, Wonton, Broth

I really like the noodle (well I'm a big fan of noodle so maybe my opinion will be bias :-P)
I should've ordered the jumbo size
The texture was hard springy and not mushy (love it!!)
The broth was looks turbid and really delicious not typical usual noodle broth
the wonton was really small and not really special
the pork meat was not much...I'm not satisfied eating pork

Oh yeah
the Chrysanthemum Tea was like water
(3/10) :-(

Noodle 16rb (Jumbo: 19rb)
Chrysanthemum Tea 7rb